After years of cruising around Brandenburg, never being too sure which area or size of a building would fit to set up a co-creation place in nature — the right area and project seemed to have found Uleshka. Ryo Bordini Chikushi from Nion recommended to meet Simon Lee from CRCLR to talk about their connection to the Edith Maryon foundation and their experiences with a project in Pretschen. Being listed on Kreativorte Brandenburg (where Uleshka contributes) this place in the countryside was already on her “To Visit List”. It turned out that this former CRCLR project was again available, because CRCLR decided to focus on their Berlin projects only. The very lovely coffee meeting at Michelberger Hotel ended with Simon sending all of their Pretschen project infos to Uleshka. What an opportunity! This tiny glimpse was absolutely exciting.